Apple iPhone's Missing Pieces

Although the first reviews of the Apple (AAPL) iPhone were glowing (see links here and Josh Quittner's review of the reviewers here), all agreed that there were features that were either missing or not quite up to snuff.
Not to fear. If past behavior is any guide, Steve Jobs is likely to start filling in those missing pieces, one at a time, in a series of press releases and software updates carefully timed to garner maximum publicity and drive further sales. Look at the flurry of iPhone news in the weeks and days before the launch: YouTube videos, "improved" battery life, a 25 minute tutorial, the cheapest wireless plan on the market and generous reviews from hand-picked journalists timed for simultaneous release three days before the device goes on the market. Because he owns the whole box -- hardware and software -- and he can count on a few hundred reporters and bloggers to broadcast every minutia of iPhone news, Jobs can send new goodies down the pipeline whenever he feels his baby needs another jolt of media buzz.
So what's missing from the iPhone in its current configuration? Let's see...
- No instant messaging
- No way to IM pictures, videos, sounds (i.e. no MMS)
- Can't cut and paste
- Can't edit or save Word, Excel, PDF documents
- Camera can't record video
- Can't play Web pages with Flash
- No access to iTunes Music Store
- No games
- No way to download contacts from old phones
- Can't turn contact lists into e-mail distribution lists
- Can't turn iPod songs into ring tones
- No way to search phone book or song lists
- No voice dialing
- No quick way to move up or down pages
- Not clear if there is support for Microsoft Exchange
- No other carrier except AT&T Wireless
- No AT&T Wireless insurance
- No way to change SIM card or battery except through Apple
- No GPS or real-time navigation system
- No access to a fast, 3G network (for that you'll have to wait for iPhone 2.0)
That's all we've got for now. Feel free to add to the wish list. (With thanks to those who have already done so.)